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VICTORIA simulates a full range of obstetric events to facilitate teamwork.
- Shoulder dystocia, breech presentation and realistic cesarean births
- Realistic full-term baby birth with APGAR score-programmable vital signs
- New interactive eyes: automatic visual object tracking and realistic eye movements.
- Postpartum abdomen with hemorrhagic uterus and 1-liter reservoir facilitating the transition between labor and postpartum simulations
- Maternal-fetal physiological link
- Allows Leopold maneuvers and external cephalic version.
- Supports fetal monitoring using real devices
- Precision Birthing System: Computer controlled fetal descent and cardinal movements
- Software-activated self-lubricating birth canal
- Realistic placenta with detachable fragments and umbilical cord.
- Epidural placement and needle detection; palpable anatomical landmarks and skin layers
- Intrapartum bleeding
- The force sensor reports the traction and torque applied to the fetus in real time
- McRoberts maneuver, suprapubic pressure, Zavanelli, Woods screw and detection of the “hands and knees” position
- Fully programmable physiological parameters of respiratory and circulation pathways
- Integrated set of sensors that track participant performance in real time
- Wireless and untethered; up to 10 hrs. of battery life