Prostate exam simulator
Prostate exam simulator
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The Prostate Examination Simulator is an indispensable model for both students and professionals.
- The torso is provided with four independent prostate glands, representing one benign gland and three stages of prostatic carcinoma at different stages of development.
- Each gland can be inserted into the prostate torso to allow realistic practice in diagnosis by rectal palpation.
- STAGE A GLAND: Benign prostate gland, slightly enlarged, but otherwise normal.
- STAGE B GLAND: A hard, discrete nodule is palpated in the right upper quadrant. This simulates an early stage of carcinoma.
- STAGE C GLAND: The carcinoma has shown spread in this gland. The small nodule has increased in size and has become a hard external mass on the surface of the gland.
- STAGE D GLAND: This gland is completely replaced by carcinoma. The entire gland will feel hard and irregular.