Seca 213 Portable Stadiometer
Seca 213 Portable Stadiometer
Tiempo de despacho para este producto
Regiones extremas:
Región de Magallanes:
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The seca 213 mobile stadiometer is particularly suitable for applications that require movement, for example for measuring the height of children and adolescents for school health check-ups, for the work of carers for the sick and elderly, for health care workers, and also for doctors' surgeries and hospitals with paediatric and juvenile medicine departments. When disassembled into several parts, the stadiometer can be easily transported to any location.
- Measuring range: 20 – 205 cm, 20 – 205 cm / 8 – 81"
• Division: 1 mm, 1 mm / 1/8"
• Dimensions, stadiometer (WxHxD):
337 x 2,130 x 590 mm /
13.3 x 83.9 x 23.2"
• Transport dimensions (WxHxD):
337 x 177 x 624 mm /
13.3 x 7 x 24.6"
• Weight: 2.4 kg / 5.3 lbs
• Optional: seca 412 carrying bag