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Erler Zimmer

Bovine model, 15 parts, 1/3 life size

Bovine model, 15 parts, 1/3 life size

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Female bovine model on a stand. One side of the model shows the external anatomy of the animal, while the other side shows the muscular system. The model is divided into two parts in the sagittal plane, allowing the internal anatomy of the gastrointestinal, reproductive and excretory systems to be shown.


  • The model can be disassembled into 15 parts, including:
    - a limb
    - heart (2 pieces)
    - lung
    - small and large intestine
    - stomach (3 pieces)
    - kidney
    - uterus with ovary (2 pieces)
    - liver
    - tail, half with the muscular system, the other half with the external anatomy.

    When the internal organs are removed, the model shows the muscular system of the thorax and abdomen.
  • Size: 93 x 28 x 49 cm, weight: approx. 12 kg

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