Multiple accident simulation kit
Multiple accident simulation kit
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The Multiple Casualty Simulation Kit is more versatile than the Basic Kit, this unit gives you more complex wounds to test higher levels of skill in bandaging and patient care.
- Bleeding wounds with strap, complete with reservoir bags and pump set.
- 1 open amputation
- 1 open fracture of tibia, lower leg
- 1 open fracture of humerus, upper arm
- 1 bullet wound in the palm
No bleeding, 1 sucking wound on the chest
- Makeup accessories:
1 bottle of blood coagulant
1 packet of methylcellulose to thicken the blood
3 packets of powder to make three gallons of simulated blood
24 Assorted Laceration and Open Fracture Wound Stickers (#219, 1 Dozen)
1 body adhesive for adhesive wounds
1 wax for accident simulation
1 package of broken plexiglass to simulate a wound with embedded glass
1 unit of grease paint in the following colors: white, blue, brown and red
4 tank bags with assembled pumps (each)
1 atomizing sprayer
3 Spatulas (Reorder #835, Pack of 6)
3 Wooden Tongue Depressors (Reorder #842, Pack of 100)